By Bob Hancock
Gem Diego Show Chairman
Lapidary Equipment
ends Sunday afternoon, Nov 5
There will be several high-quality pieces of lapidary equipment for sale by Silent Auction. Bidding ends Sunday afternoon.
You can bypass bidding and "Buy It Now" to ensure you get the item you want. Download the flyer with pictures »
- Covington 24" slab saw
- Highland 6" combo unit w/ trim saw
- Ultra Tec faceting machine and access
- MDR faceting machine (no motor)

- Haulers
- Skirting crew
- Security
- Selling staff
- Exhibitors
- Demonstrators
To set up a show of this magnitude, SDMG will need many volunteers. The volunteer Show Committee will hold its next meeting at 6:00 PM, Monday, October 16, 2017, at the SDMG Building. If you would like to help:
- OR contact any one of the members (see list at right);
- OR attend the Committee Meetings.
- OR Add your name to the sign-up sheet in the SDMG Casting Room.
Please lend a helping hand to make our show a success.
Ye Olde Show Committee
- Chairman – Bob Hancock 619-889-6886
- Secretary – Anne Schafer
- Treasurer – Wayne Moorhead
- Advertising – Rich Yarbrough
- Signs & Flyers – Mike Harlow
- Publications – Anne Schafer
- Club Booth – Jennifer Stapp and Peggy Leibitzke
- Dealers – Garry Cannon
- Demonstrators – Jackie Leverone and Dianne Hall
- Door Prizes – Simon King and Gladys Walker
- Electrical – Rich Yarbrough and Volunteers
- Exhibits – Ellen Riceman
- Fire Permit/City Liaison – Garry Cannon
- Security – Doug Peeler and Volunteers
- Table Skirting – Anne Schafer, Elbert McCune, Donna Beers and The Cast of Thousands
- Members-At-Large – Andy Anderson, Donna Beers, Doug Peeler, Dave Smith, Rocio Bergum and Jill Williamson
(Click on a name to email a committee chairperson)
- Where:
- Al Bahr Shrine Center
5440 Kearny Mesa Road, San Diego, CA 92111
- Admission & Parking:
- Free.
- Show Dates & Times:
- Saturday, November 4, 9:30am – 5:00pm
Sunday November 5,10:00am – 4:00pm
Hello All,
Please see the Gem Diego Signup Sheets, posted in the SDMG Casting Room, and encourage your friends, students, instructors and staff members to sign up for volunteer service in helping to load and unload the Gem Diego Show. This is San Diego's Finest Gem and Mineral Show. We put this show on at this time every year. It will require many volunteer workers to help us put on this great show.
For additional Info Please contact Bob Hancock 619 889-6886.
Volunteers, here's what's needed
and the dates and times it's needed:
We could use extra help with installing and de-installing the exhibits. Please contact Bob Hancock if you are able and willing to lend a helping hand (Volunteers can get into the Show one-half hour early on Saturday).
- Set-Up:
- Friday, November 3 (Meet at Al Bahr Shrine)
9:00am – Loading Crew
10:00am – Skirting and other Volunteer workers
- Break-Down:
- Sunday, November 5, 4:00pm
Meet at the show and check in with our work groups. We will need Loaders, Movers, and the cast of thousands for all of the myriad details necessary to make our show a success.
EXHIBITORS and DEMONSTRATORS, BUYERS and SELLERS, now is the time to start preparing for San Diego Mineral & Gem Society's annual Gem and Mineral Show. Gem Diego features 14 high quality Gem and Mineral Dealers selling gemstones, minerals, beads, jewelry, lapidary equipment and supplies. Demonstrations include: Wire Wrapping, Faceting, Lost Wax Casting, Silver Chain Making, Intarsia, Sphere Making. GSSD will provide Gemstone Identification free of charge, and there will be door prizes and a raffle.
This year, we really need Volunteers. Look for the Show sign-up sheets, which are in the casting room of the SDMG building. Pick one or more activities that you can help with and sign up! It's fun, you'll learn a lot, and meet a bunch of your active fellow rockhounds. You'll be proud of your club and amazed when you see how beautiful YOUR show turns out. Call any show committee member to get more information, and Demonstrators and Exhibitors, don't forget that you need to plan and start your projects early in order to have them ready in time for the show.

The Jaguar Trophy
This award is presented by the Society President to the SDMG member who enters the most beautiful case of their own work in the club's annual Show. The award was conceived by Ron Willis, our English member, after he visited our show in 1987. He made the trophy for us using English walnut and marble. The first winner was Gloria Dunkel, in 1988, for her lovely channel work jewelry. Jackie Leverone's case of metalwork chasing won the 2016 Jaguar Award (shown at right with SDMG president Shirley Leeson). Will you join the distinguished roster of superior silversmiths, faceters, casters and lapidaries in 2017? Enter your work by contacting Ellen Riceman.