SDMG 82nd Annual Banquet 2016




By Anne Schafer, Hostess Pro-Tem


Denny Turner learning aluminum embossing at Wat Sri Suphan in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

FIFTY-FOUR SDMG MEMBERS AND GUESTS attended the 82nd Birthday Banquet, held at the 94th Aero Squadron on Saturday, March 5, 2016.  It was a beautiful, sunny day, thankfully, unlike the previous weekend's rain storm and high winds.  Longtime Banquet Hostess Charlene Churilla was unable to attend this year, so Anne Schafer stepped up to organize the event, lining up the menu, printing tickets and programs, and rustling up door prizes.  Lois Lukasky searched out the floral centerpieces, and a rotating crew assisted at the check-in table, including Jane Roush and Jennifer Stapp.

Anne Schafer welcomed everyone and then introduced each past president in attendance, asking each of them to speak about their favorite SDMG president from times past.  Shirley Leeson chose Marian Horensky (1971–72), the first woman president of the Society, who managed four divisions (Lapidary, Mineral, Fossil and Photography) that each met monthly.  Wayne Moorhead selected Bessie Olson (1994–95), who gave him a tour of the lapidary classroom, after which he was hooked!  Anne Schafer spoke about Bill Tirk (1964–65), who served as Treasurer from 1962–2005, and who organized the AFMS/CFMS show hosted by the Society at the Convention Center in 1984.  Jim Parrish described field trips lead by Bob Rowland (1936–38), a founding member of the Society, and who was also Curator at the San Diego Natural History Museum for decades, retiring in 1973.  Bob Hancock reminisced about Ed Hansen (1994–96), who worked at Ken's Rock Shop in La Mesa, led great field trips and started his own business, Ed's Rock ShopGarry Cannon complained that he was such a recent president, that he didn't know the real old-timers!  By this time, the buffet was ready, and everyone enjoyed the sliced sirloin, teriyaki salmon, lasagna, Caesar salad and plentiful desserts.

After luncheon and camaraderie, Scholarship Chairlady Jane Roush introduced Maria Henderson, the geology scholarship recipient, and presented the $750 award check to her.  Maria is a Junior, with a G.P.A. of 3.72.

Next up, Denny Turner, recently returned from a three-month stay in Chang Mai, Thailand, gave an excellent 45-minute presentation, combining the best parts of a colorful travelog with his chasing and repoussé lessons at the Silver Temple.  The audience was treated to street scenes, temple décor, food vendors, tuk-tuks, elephant washing and special New Year's ceremonies.  Denny had on display several large pieces of repoussé that he had purchased; his own works were pictured, but were still on a slow boat chugging away in the center of the Pacific Ocean.

Anne Schafer and Wayne Moorhead handled both the general and the special door prize drawings, in the absence of Simon King, who was recovering from surgery, and Gladys Walker, who was home taking care of SimonMaria Henderson was lucky enough to win the ruby-in-zoisite obelisk that she coveted; the gentleman won all the earrings, of course.  Thank you to all the donors who contributed one or more items.

Everyone very much enjoyed the Banquet. Let's do it again next year!


Special Door Prize Winners!

If you attended any of the General or Mineral Division meetings during the past year and filled out a special green door prize ticket, you were in the running to win one (or more) of the special door prizes on display at the Banquet.  Thank you, everyone, for your donations of these great door prizes!  Here are the winners:

  • Donor
  • Faceted gem or cabochon
  • Winner
  • John Kruzel
    Jim Parrish
    Betty Borden
    Anne Schafer
    Anne Schafer
  • 3.5 ct. round brilliant orange CZ
    4.65 round brilliant Rose Quartz
    0.91 ct. round brilliant Topaz
    Agua Nueva agate, polished half
    Carey Plume cabochon
    Idaho garnet, set in sterling pendant
  • Angie Cannon
    Lettie Evans
    Sally Parrish
    Heather Hochrein
    Robin Coon
    Al Hochrein






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